Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Student Workbook: Seventh Edition

Audiobook Version
Published by: Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University
Written by Martha J. Holden along with Andrea J. Turnbull, Jack C. Holden, Richard Heresniak, Mary Ruberti and Eugene Saville. Published by the Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University.
Narrator: Rich Germaine
Length 5 hours : 6 minutes

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Audiobook Description

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Student Workbook: A Trauma-Informed Approach

Written by Martha J. Holden along with Andrea J. Turnbull, Jack C. Holden, Richard Heresniak, Mary Ruberti and Eugene Saville. Published by the Residential Child Care Project, Cornell University.

The most important tool we have in helping chil­dren grow, develop and thrive, is ourselves. Most crises can be prevented if we meet children’s basic and developmental needs and help them feel safe. When we intentionally use ourselves in developing relationships, helping children learn and practice skills, facilitating activities, setting boundaries, reflecting on practice, and intervening in stressful situations, we help children grow and develop. Our ability to build relationships with the chil­dren in our care and treat them in an open, sensi­tive, consistent and caring way is the single most important contribution we make.

This audiobook contains the information from the TCI Student Workbook that all participants should be familiar with prior to attending TCI training within one’s own organization. This TCI Student Workbook will assist you as you prepare for your training. The Student Workbook is divided into the six modules that align with the training and allow you to become familiar with the TCI content and concepts.  Topics include:

  • Module One: Crisis Prevention: Creating a Safe Place for Learning
  • Module Two: Crisis as Opportunity
  • Module Three: De-Escalating the Crisis
  • Module Four: Managing the Crisis
  • Module Five: Recovery
  • Module Six: Safety Interventions

Also available

C.A.R.E. 3rd Edition
Creating Conditions for Change
Published by: The Child Welfare League of America
Author: Martha J. Holden, M.S. 2023
Narrator: Rich Germaine
Length 7 hours : 58 minutes

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